The fear in the eyes of the people
Dear Mr. President:
Since 9/11, I have realized many things about this great country and it's people. I have found that we are an arrogant lot. Not towards the world as many say, but internally. I was in NYC the day of the attack. I lived the aftermath, saw the damage, saw the fear in the eyes of the people of NYC. I felt the embrace of the world and the country for the wounds the nation suffered on that day. But, as an arrogant people, we look internally to lay blame, and how it found it's way to you, I have no idea. But our arrogance persists. Your polices have kept additional attacks from US soil, and the question asked is “Are we safer?” I think the answer is one the arrogant detractors really do not understand. We now KNOW we are in a war. Safer? War isn't safe, but awareness certainly is better than blissful ignorance.
I'm not sure what has happened to the United States of America. After Pearl Harbor we realized we had a mission. Today, the media chooses to report only it's slant on the news. It chooses and backs candidates in a secretive way.
I think, Mr. President, you are a light in a very dark time for our country. Your simple clarity of purpose is the direction needed. Thank you for leading a nation, which at times, loses it's way due to it's own arrogance.
Age 47