A heartless way
Mr. President,
The disgust I feel for your veto of Stem Cell research is beyond any way of expressing. To say that you are the worst president ever is so mild. Perhaps it comes clear when you think of that little strutting man who wants to be remembered at all costs. Removing hope for thousands of people suffering from a terrible illness is a heartless way of doing so.
Never fear that you will not be remembered, not only as a bad president, but a thoroughly incompetent occupant of the White House. A person that has defiled the office of the presidency.
The disgust I feel for your veto of Stem Cell research is beyond any way of expressing. To say that you are the worst president ever is so mild. Perhaps it comes clear when you think of that little strutting man who wants to be remembered at all costs. Removing hope for thousands of people suffering from a terrible illness is a heartless way of doing so.
Never fear that you will not be remembered, not only as a bad president, but a thoroughly incompetent occupant of the White House. A person that has defiled the office of the presidency.
Grant Perkins
Age 82
Captain Cook, Hawaii