Vested interest
Mr. President:
I have a vested interest in the war of Iraq. That being someone very close to me and dear to my heart. I was very angry with Mr. Rumsfeld when he made the statement "You go to war with what you have, not with what you want". Has this man ever served in theater anywhere when mortars and IED'S were going off in his face? At no time should our country be left "with what they have" to fight a war. The very security of our great country lies in the defense of our country. Bottom line, if you do not have a very strong military might and the very best of equipment, you are looking at the looming demise of our nation.
At NO time should our brave men and women be sent to war "with what they have". That is totally inexcusable to me. Now I do understand that many Humvees have been updated, but I still do not know why there are not devices that can capture the frequencies that detonates the IEDS. There have been too many of our soldiers killed and maimed because of these horrible bombs.
Surely there is some technology that can be used to stop this way of harming our soldiers. I have e-mailed you before, Mr. President, with no reply, but I know you are very busy with important matters. I want you to know that I am praying for you,our wonderful country and our men and women in uniform wherever they may be. Just please dedicate as much time and money to the support of our defense as you possibly can as all of our lives depend upon it.
Very Respectfully,
Age 50
Gadsen, Alabama