Take off the gloves
Dear George:
Take off the gloves! Today's speech was a good beginning, but don't let up. I am fed up with the Democrats and their rhetoric: "Bush lied" "where's the WMD's" "Iraq is a quagmire" on and on.
You will NEVER win over these leftists idiots, so please do not defer to them any longer. Your base will be behind you; we want your messages and accomplishments to be hear loudly. The Democrats have no message, they can only criticize. The longer you remain silent against their ubiquitous attacks, the more credibility it lends to their lies.
The American people deserve to hear the truth. You can be sure your message will be advanced through talk radio and Fox news; the other liberal networks will be forced to cover the story. Let's get back on track and push your agenda forward. We may never see such a majority in Congress again.
Age 44
Burleson, Texas