Dear George:
I am a supporter of the Bush administration and pray for God's wisdom, strength, protection over you and your family. President Bush, it is time Washington puts a stop to Corporate America greed as executives continue to bulge their pockets and investment portfolios with company perks, medical/pension benefits, as well as millions of dollars in stocks and other benefits while the American worker continues to be robbed of deserved medical benefits, prescription plans, burdened with yearly increased health care cost and the elimination of company pensions by Corporate America.
Unless this greed and self service by Corporate America, Oil Companies and politicians is brought under control very quickly, millions of Americans will never be able to retire, afford medical benefits for their children or own their own homes.
Tell me how a man or woman who gives a Company thirty and forty years of dedicated service, working hard producing and delivering the product deserves no health care, small pension or none, no prescription plan and a Corporate Executive who comes into a Company for three to five years and walks away with 10 - 20 million in stocks and perks and full benefits when they leave. Where is the justice? Where are the ethics Corporate America pounds into their employees every year? America needs your help President Bush to get this abused Corporate American greed under control by giving the American worker what they deserve and take some burden off the American Worker.
Age 43