The big party
Dear George:
Well I guess we have to put up with you for another four years. But what really gets to me is the big party today. It was said that it cost billons of dollars to put it on. I know I’ll have to pay my share. But I didn't get invited, nor the man across the street. I would have been too ashamed to go. Just thinking about how that money would of help out the poor people. Spending it where it would’ve done some good.
No you say “I NEED A BIG PARTY. I’m George W Bush.” Shame on you. Then there is the money that you are washing down the drain over in Iraq. Do you really believe that you can win this war? It will never happen. Just like the last two wars. If I were in your shoes I wouldn't be able to sleep nights knowing it was me that sent all the boys an girls over there that got killed or hurt. Again, shame on you. I do hope that the good lord takes you by the hand and wakes you up.
Age 74
Green Bush, Michigan