Go for them all
Dear George:
I voted for you and after what happened yesterday I want you to after those Islam assholes! All of them. Oh-Gee I feel so bad for them!! The liberal LA times has a piece on “In Britain, Muslims Worry about a delicate balance.” F them all.
Go get them George -- I mean Mr. President. You don’t take any shit from anyone-no one from Texas does-Go for them All. You should kick all of them out of the US. I am sick of hearing their “horror stories” I would have done the same thing as that woman got court martialed for. Those bastards deserve anything that you and your underlings can throw at them. Do it!! PLEASE.
Tony Blair is a wimp-You, Regan and L. Johnson are the only one that had any balls! (Excuse my language as I am not white trailer park trash) I am a medical professional. But I am really pissed that people criticize you. YOU’RE THE MAN!
Age 46
Altadena, California