Not dwell on the past
Dear George:
I usually keep my opinions to myself but at this time, I can not help but speak my mind. I was watching the news this morning, as I do every morning. This morning on the NBC Today show, Hillary Clinton was being interviewed. She is claiming that ‘we’ need to investigate the reasons why help was not brought to the people of New Orleans and Mississippi quickly enough. The thing I agree with is that this has been a horrific event in our nation’s history, a terrible natural disaster. I can not help but cry and pray for those people touched by this disaster.
But when Hillary, and others, speak of gathering a committee to find out why all of this has happened, it burns me up. If the people allow this to happen, it just shows ignorance and stupidity. Instead of her and others spending any of their energy standing there and asking why, they should, we all should, be using every ounce of our energy helping these people get shelter, food, medical and emotional support. The money that would be spent investigating why things happen is a total and outright waste, whether it is done now or later. It is going to take a lot of time (years) and a lot of our countries resources to rebuild lives for all of these individuals who have lost everything they had.
Shouldn’t we all be focusing on that and not what should have been? If anything, we have already heard of scams being started where monies are being taken from good hearted people trying to help by donating whatever they can, and it being lost to thieves. If Hillary and others want to help out and they feel that running investigations is a way to do so, then this is what they should do. They should make sure that every organization out there claiming to be gathering money for this disaster is legitimate. And that every cent of the donations received goes to these people and the communities and nothing else. It would be absolutely sinful if any of this support is being spent in any other way than helping these states and people rebuild their lives.
As I have already said, it is in the best interest of everyone to use all of our energy to help not to lay blame. To assure that every one has food, medicine, housing, and jobs. This should be our country’s only objective. Then when we have put all of these people’s lives back together as best we possibly can, then we can make plans to see that we are better prepared for this and other disasters that may occur. Always look to the future; not dwell on the past. Stop wasting the peoples’ money, energy, and time.
Age 40
Pen Argyl, Pennsylvania
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At 12:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
If we don't know the reasons for such an inadequate response to a national emergency, then God help us when the next one strikes, because we will not have learned how to do better next time.
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